Christianity News Daily is a Christian Breaking News Magazine that publishes Daily Christian Breaking News and worldwide stories, including Christianity and general news. It explicitly features websites from The Uttermost Gospel Network (TUGN), which encompasses primary themes representing God’s Will for the Body of Christ to educate and enlighten fellow believers in Jesus Christ.
Christianity News Daily, or CND, exists to glorify God and The Lord Jesus Christ as an authoritative Christian publication ministry that has grown to become an influential Christian Breaking News Magazine to help implement the great commission. It operates independently as a Christian ministry magazine, is non-denominational, and is nonaffiliated with any particular church or group. It provides daily reports and updates on the latest Christian faith in the news.
Welcome to Christianity News Daily, your one-stop source for all the latest news and information on the Christian faith.
We report on the latest events affecting the global Christian community and aim to go into the airwaves, byways, and highways of the internet to reach and compel all and sundry that eternity is possible through the Gospel of Jesus Christ by informing, educating, and enlightening the body of Christ on the latest news and information affecting fellow believers in Christ around the world.

A Christian Ministry Publication for The Persecuted Church
We take a keen interest in reporting and highlighting the plight of the marginalized and the persecuted Church of Jesus Christ, which is usually underrepresented and generally left out in the news altogether, aiming to encourage fellow believers to consider praying and offering their support daily to this critical segment of the Body of Christ.
Christianity News Daily Newspaper has become a powerful online platform and one of the most trusted Christian news sources. Christians can get daily information about various ministries serving The Lord Jesus Christ on the mission field.
We report on Christian news affecting various sections of Christian ministries like the persecuted Church as mentioned above, the global missionary ministry, and other topics relevant to Christianity in general.
As the world’s largest religion, Christianity significantly impacts global news and events daily.
Isaiah 52:7 says How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.“
Why was Christianity News Daily established?
The Bible says in Exodus 17:15 that Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner.
Altars and banners are significant mileposts that help register the mighty presence of the Lord and are prominent places of the dwelling of His glory for those who worship Him in spirit and Truth. Once a banner is raised at the altar, deep roots of faith grow like a mighty tower to declare and announce that Jesus is Lord, allowing His Glory to shine in the entire world.

The light shines across the whole dark world and points people back to the Lord, hence the existence of Christianity News Daily.
Christianity News Daily was established to :
1. Raise The banner of The Lord Jesus Christ and
2. To help announce the good news that we/humanity have a Savior.
Altars also communicate and provide spiritual direction by helping turn the tide in the eyes of the lost and the unbelieving world and the eyes of the apostasy church- in the mode of the current Laodicean/rebellious church, which has chosen to cater to the world rather than the interests of Christ. The reflection of the light of the glory of Christ shines brightly, illuminating Truth to all creation.
We are intentional in our resolve and tend to wear the same attitude as Jude the Apostle, who commanded the Church to “save some from the fire” as he tells us to do in Jude 23
23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; others show mercy with Fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.
When Christ was born, the Bibel says in Luke 2:8-11 English Standard Version
8 And in the same region, shepherds were out in the field, watching their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and Fear came upon them. 10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, Christ the Lord.”
The remnant MUST keep the candle burning and contend for the faith.
Our goal is to go to the world’s farthest reaches to inform, educate, and enlighten God’s people on the latest news and information affecting our fellow believers in Christ and, most importantly, provide utter Truth as found in Scripture without any bias, ill-will, prejudice, reservations, apologizing or catering to none and no one else interests but God’s Alone.
Whether one is a lifelong Christian or just exploring the faith, we hope that you find something that interests you here. As the world’s largest religion, Christianity significantly impacts global news and events, hence, Christianity News Daily.
We’ll keep you updated on the latest information across all spectrums, newsworthy events, and more. Whether you’re a practicing Christian or just interested in the religion, Christianity News Daily has the information you need.
What else does Christianity News Daily offer to daily readers?
In addition, features different websites, specifically The Uttermost Gospel Network (TUGN), which encompasses the main ministry themes representing God’s Will for the Body of Christ to educate and enlighten fellow believers in Jesus Christ about various biblical topics that help build up the faith of believers.
In addition, the site occasionally offers a variety of sections for users to explore, including such issues in multiple posts, including Christian news online today and many more such as the following ;
- World Christian News Daily,;- We report on Christian news from around the world that affects different aspects of the Christian life daily, like the persecuted Church, missionaries’ ministry, and other topics relevant to Christianity to encourage the body of Christ.
2. Prophecy, Church Growth, and Bible Studies,;- Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (English Standard Version) That God breathes out all Scripture and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. Therefore, spiritual growth should be encouraged and forms part of our mission.
3. Todays News in The Christian World;-Heralding the Gospel in the news today is highly essential in the world in which we live by helping implement the great commission and also equip the Christian world with the gospel tools which the Lord Jesus Christ expects the Church to fulfill its mission and be able to cover the entire globe with the Gospel to ensure that all nations of the earth become aware of the existence of The Name of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
4. Prophecy And Christianity Information Today,;- The Apostle Paul wrote most of the New Testament from prison as a form of prophetic information for the New Testament Church and distributed the letters containing Church doctrine in the form of a newsletter to each Church which he had established during his missionary journeys.
5. Breaking Christian News To Fellow Believers;-Christians also need daily updates relevant to their faith to strengthen their faith and resolve and know how to pray for others from around the world once they learn about the happenings and challenges facing their ministry through breaking news.
6. Christianity daily breaking news;- To convey critical daily information and news about the direction of the Church and what God expects of believers regarding various essential doctrines in the Christian faith.
7. Christian Church Daily Newspaper;– Offering reliable daily Christian news about the Church in general and daily activities affecting Christians and those in Christian leadership positions, highlighting current events within their localities.
8. World Christian Faith News;– Conveyance of world news from the global Christian community regarding their faith to enhance the Gospel and help fulfill the great commission.
9. Global Christian Breaking News;-Providing targeted and essential messaging to the global Christian Church about various sources of information and reports affecting fellow believers and current affairs of the Church in general and other international news that might affect humanity as it relates to prophesy.
10. Raising the Banner of Christ and several more.

We are a ministry publication established to elevate and raise the Banner of the image of Christ in concert with evangelism to help enhance and fulfill the great commission by reaching the lost world with the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Glory.
The publication highlights report on the Christian faith freedom issues worldwide and provide readers with breaking world Christian news and current events from a biblical perspective.
It provides Christians with up-to-date information about what is happening worldwide—Breaking news headlines on Christian church ministries, updates, and articles about their faith. The site is updated daily with the most recent Christian news from worldwide.
Christianity News Daily’s mantra or slogan is Raising the Banner of Christ.
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